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Companion Planting

Seed Saving

Beetroot Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bush Bean, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Silverbeet    DISLIKES: Climbing Bean, Tomato, Dill
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other beetroot, silverbeet, sugar beet & fodder beets; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 250-500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Broad Bean Sow Seed LIKES: Potato, Pea, Bean  
Part Self & Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other broad beans; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 200m apart.  
Broccoli Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Sage, Rosemary    DISLIKES: Lettuce, Strawberry, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohl rabi, brussel sprouts; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2klm apart.  Insect Pollinated.
Cabbage Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Onion, Potato    DISLIKESStrawberry, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, kohl rabi, collard; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated.
Cauliflower Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Hyssop, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Sage, Radish, Rosemary                DISLIKES: Tomato, Strawberry
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with kale, collard, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, kohl rabi; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.
Collard Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato    DISLIKESStrawberry, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of collard, as well as brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated.

- Bok Choy
Pak Choi        
Gai Choi
Hong Vit

Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Beans, Celery, Coriander, Cucumber, Onion, Pea, Potato, Tomato    

|Cross-Pollinating; will cross with bok choy, turnip, pak choi, & all other varieties of chinese cabbage; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Calendula Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Potato         
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of calendula.  Insect Pollinated
- Cosmos Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKESAmaranth, Marigold
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of cosmos.  Insect Pollinated
Endive Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKESRadish, Parsnip, Turnip
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties.
Fennel Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Caraway, Coriander, Dill, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other fennel varieties including wild fennel often found on roadsides; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Cape Gooseberry Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKESYarrow, Pine & Oak Trees
Insect Pollinated
- Rosella Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks n.a. Insect Pollinated
- Strawberry Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKES: Bean, Borage, Lettuce, Nectarine, Peach, Spinach    DISLIKES: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts 
- Broad Bean Sow Seed
Useful as a green manure crop adding carbon & nitrogen to the soil & improving friability.  
- Fodder Beet
Sow Seed
Traditionally widely used across Europe as cattle feed
- Green Manure (Autumn / Winter) Sow Seed
Used as a green manure crop, plants are best dug back into the soil when the leaves are still fresh & green after approx. 8 weeks after planting
- Coriander Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Potatoes, Anise, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chervil, Dill, Parsnip    DISLIKES: Fennel
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of coriander; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.
Insect Pollinated

- Dill Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Cabbage, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts - repels cabbage moth
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of dill.  Insect Pollinated
- Marjoram Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: All plants in general
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
- Oregano Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKES: Cabbage, Cucumber, All plants in general
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
- Parsley Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Asparagus, Carrot, Chive, Tomato, Roses    DISLIKES: Mint
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of parsley; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Kale Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Hyssop, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Sage    DISLIKES: Grape, Strawberry, Tomato 
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kohl rabi; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Kohl Rabi Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Beetroot, Onion   DISLIKESBean, CapsicumChilli, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Leek Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Carrot, Celeriac, Celery, Onion      
DISLIKESBroad Beans, Broccoli

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other leeks, but not other Alliums. To ensure purity, separate varieties by at least 1000m. Insect pollinated.
Leek - Perennial (Live Plant) Plant LIKES: Carrot, Celeriac, Celery, Onion      
DISLIKESBroad Beans, Broccoli

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other leeks, but not other Alliums. To ensure purity, separate varieties by at least 1000m. Insect pollinated.
Lettuce Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrots, Cherry, Chervil, Cucumber, Onions, Parsnip, Pea, Radish   DISLIKESParsley
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties, however, to prevent minimal (1-6%), natural cross pollination, separate lettuce varieties by 2-3m, or with a tall 2-3m high barrier.  
Onion Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Strawberry, Tomato, Chamomile, Summer Savoury    DISLIKES: Bean, Pea
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other onion varieties including spring onion, potato onion & shallot (will not cross with leek); to ensure purity grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect pollinated.
Pea Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKES: Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Parsnip, Potato, Radish    DISLIKES: Garlic, Onions, Shallots, Turnip
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties.
Potato Sow Tubers
LIKES: Cabbage, Alyssum, Basil, Beans, Coriander, Corn, Nasturtum, Parsley, Peas, Spring Onion, Spinach, LettuceRadish
DISLIKES:  CarrotsCucumber
Eggplant, Fennel, Okra, Capsicum, Squash, Pumpkin, Sunflower, TomatoGarlic, Onions, Shallots, Turnip

Propagate using bulbs
Radicchio Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKESLettuce    DISLIKESEndive
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other varieties of radicchio, chicory & endive; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Mesclun Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrots, Cherry, Chervil, Cucumber, Onions, Parsnip, Pea, Radish  
- Rocket Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks
LIKES Bush Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Cucumber, Dill, Lettuce, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Potato, Rosemary, Spinach, Thyme.    DISLIKESStrawberry
Cross-Pollinating.  Will cross with other varieties of rocket.  Insect Pollinated
Silverbeet Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKESBeetroot, Cherry, Fruit Trees, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Mulberry, Onions
Cross-Pollinating; will cross easily with other silverbeet & beetroot.  Wind & Insect Pollinated
Spinach Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKESBeetroot, Cherry, Fruit Trees, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Mulberry, Onions
Cross-Pollinating; will cross easily with other spinach varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 3klm apart.  Wind Pollinated
Spring Onion Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Tomato, Strawberry  DISLIKESBean, Pea        
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other spring onion varieties & onion; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated

Squash Sow seed in trays and plant out in 4-5 weeks LIKESRadish, Corn, Peas, Bean, Pumpkin, Marigold, Nasturtium, Zucchini
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of squash, zucchini & pumpkin with the species ‘pepo‘; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated