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Companion Planting

Seed Saving

Broad Bean Sow Seed LIKES: Potato, Pea, Bean  
Part Self & Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other broad beans; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 200m apart.  

- Bok Choy
Pak Choi        
Gai Choi
Hong Vit

Sow Seed LIKES: Beans, Celery, Coriander, Cucumber, Onion, Pea, Potato, Tomato    

|Cross-Pollinating; will cross with bok choy, turnip, pak choi, & all other varieties of chinese cabbage; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Garlic Plant Cloves
USES: Planted around all trees to repel borers.  Also repels leaf eaters & sap suckers when planted near vegetables
- Green Manure (Autumn / Winter) Sow Seed
Used as a green manure crop, plants are best dug back into the soil when the leaves are still fresh & green after approx. 8 weeks after planting
- Mustard Sow Seed
Used as green manure crop in controlling nematodes & fungal diseases such as fusarium & verticillium, as well as adding organic matter to the soil.  
Mustard Green Sow Seed LIKES: Fruit Trees (to assist growth)
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with Chinese Mustard & other mustards; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated

- Corn Salad Sow Seed n.a.
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of corn salad.  Insect Pollinated
- Mesclun Sow Seed
LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrots, Cherry, Chervil, Cucumber, Onions, Parsnip, Pea, Radish  
- Mizuna Sow Seed

LIKES: Beans, Celery, Coriander, Cucumber, Onion, Pea, Potato, Tomato    

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with chinese mustard & mibuna; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Rocket Sow Seed
LIKES Bush Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Cucumber, Dill, Lettuce, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Potato, Rosemary, Spinach, Thyme.    DISLIKESStrawberry
Cross-Pollinating.  Will cross with other varieties of rocket.  Insect Pollinated
Shallot / Potato Onion Plant Bulb
LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Strawberry, Tomato, Chamomile, Summer Savoury    DISLIKES: Bean, Pea
Spinach Sow Seed LIKESBeetroot, Cherry, Fruit Trees, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Mulberry, Onions
Cross-Pollinating; will cross easily with other spinach varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 3klm apart.  Wind Pollinated
Spring Onion Sow Seed LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Tomato, Strawberry  DISLIKESBean, Pea        
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other spring onion varieties & onion; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated