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Companion Planting

Seed Saving

Amaranth Sow Seed LIKESCucumber, Corn, Runner Bean, Tomato, Potato, CapsicumChilli, Eggplant, Pea, Marigold    DISLIKES:  Saffron

Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other amaranth; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated


Plant Bulbs

n.a. n.a.
- Amaranth Sow Seed LIKESCucumber, Corn, Runner Bean, Tomato, Potato, Capsicum, ChilliEggplant, Pea, Marigold    DISLIKES:  Saffron
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other amaranth; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Beluga Lentil Sow Seed
LIKES: Cucumber, Potato, Summer Savory
Onion, Garlic 

Insect Pollinated
 - Chia
Sow Seed
n.a. Insect Pollinated
- Red Lentil Sow Seed
LIKES: Cucumber, Potato, Summer Savory
Onion, Garlic 

Insect Pollinated
- Teff
Sow Seed
n.a. Insect Pollinated
Artichoke Sow Seed LIKESPea, Sunflower, Tarragon, Cabbage
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect pollinated.  Will cross with other varieties of Artichoke.  Insect Pollinated
Asparagus Sow Seed
LIKESBasil, Parsley, Marigold, Spinach, Lettuce, Beetroot, Grape, Nasturtium, Dill
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other asparagus varieties.  Insect Pollinated
Bean, Bush Sow Seed
LIKES: Beetroot, Borage, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Marigold, Squash, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Corn, Tomato, Potato, Cucumber, Savoury Summer    DISLIKESChives, Fennel, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Gladiolus, Dill
Self-Pollinating; but to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2m apart.  
Bean, Climbing Sow Seed
LIKES: Beetroot, Borage, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Marigold, Squash, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Corn, Tomato, Potato, Cucumber, Savoury Summer    DISLIKESChives, Fennel, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Gladiolus, Dill 
Self-Pollinating; but to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2m apart.
Bean, Runner Sow Seed
LIKES: Beetroot, Borage, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Marigold, Squash, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Corn, Tomato    DISLIKES: Chives, Fennel, Garlic, Leek, Dill
Self-Pollinating & Insect Pollinated.  Grow varieties at least 800m apart.
Beetroot Sow Seed LIKES: Bush Bean, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Silverbeet    DISLIKES: Climbing Bean, Tomato, Dill
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other beetroot, silverbeet, sugar beet & fodder beets; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 250-500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Berries (ie. raspberry, blackberry etc.) Plant LIKES:  Rue, Garlic, Onion, Oats, Yarrow n.a.
Broad Bean Sow Seed LIKES: Potato, Pea, Bean  
Part Self & Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other broad beans; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 200m apart.  
Broccoli Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Sage, Rosemary    DISLIKES: Lettuce, Strawberry, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohl rabi, brussel sprouts; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2klm apart.  Insect Pollinated.
Brussel Sprouts Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Celery, Dill, Hyssop, Mint, Nasturtium, Potato, Sage, Rosemary   

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of brussel sprouts, broccoli, collard, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohl rabi; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated.
Burdock Sow Seed
LIKES: Bean, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn    DISLIKES:  Potato
Insect Pollinated
Cabbage Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Onion, Potato    DISLIKESStrawberry, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, kohl rabi, collard; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated.
Capsicum Sow Seed LIKES: Basil, Carrot, Onion, Oregano 
DISLIKESFennel, Kohl Rabi 

Self / Cross-Pollinating; While mainly self-pollinating, crossing by insects does occur; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 150m apart.
Carrot Sow Seed
LIKES: Bean, Leek, Onion, Pea, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn, Rosemary, Sage, Tomato, Wormwood, Chives, Cucumber, Lettuce    DISLIKES: Potato, Dill, & being stored with apples
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other carrot varieties & Queen Ann‘s Lace (weed); to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.
Cauliflower Sow Seed
LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Hyssop, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Sage, Radish, Rosemary                DISLIKES: Tomato, Strawberry
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with kale, collard, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, kohl rabi; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.
Celeriac Sow Seed LIKES: Bush Bean, Cabbage, Leek, Onion, Tomato, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other varieties of celeriac & celery; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Celery Sow Seed LIKES: Bush Bean, Cabbage, Leek, Onion, Tomato, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other varieties of celery & celeriac; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Chilli Sow Seed

LIKES: Basil, Carrot, Lovage, Marjoram, Onion, Oregano   DISLIKESFennel, Kohl Rabi  

Self / Cross-Pollinating; While mainly self-pollinating, crossing by insects does occur.  Chance of crossing with other varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 150m apart.  Self / Insect Pollinated.
- Amaranth Sow Seed LIKESCucumber, Corn, Runner Bean, Tomato, Potato, Capsicum, Chilli, Eggplant, Pea, Marigold    DISLIKES:  Saffron
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other amaranth; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Bitter Melon Sow Seed
LIKESCoriander, Beetroot

- Bok Choy
Pak Choi        
Gai Choi
Hong Vit

Sow Seed LIKES: Beans, Celery, Coriander, Cucumber, Onion, Pea, Potato, Tomato    

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with bok choy, turnip, pak choi, & all other varieties of chinese cabbage; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Choko Plant Bulb n.a.
Cross Pollinating.  Will readily cross with other choko varieties.  Insect Pollinated.
Collard Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato    DISLIKESStrawberry, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of collard, as well as brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated.
Corn Sow Seed LIKES: Pumpkin, Squash, ZucchiniLettuce
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other corn varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2klm apart.  Insect & Wind Pollinated
Cucumber Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Broccoli, Celery, Chinese Cabbage, Lettuce, Pea, Radish, Tomato, Corn, Sunflower     DISLIKES: Rue, Sage, Potato & Aromatic Herbs 
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other cucumber varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart - or hand-pollinate flowers.  Insect Pollinated
- Alyssum Sow Seed
LIKESFruit Trees (attracts bees)
Insect Pollinated
- Borage Sow Seed
LIKESTomato, Strawberry, Squash, Zucchini, Pumpkin
Insect Pollinated
- Butterfly Pea
Sow Seed
n.a.  Insect Pollinated
- Calendula Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Potato         
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of calendula.  Insect Pollinated
- Cosmos Sow Seed LIKESAmaranth, Marigold
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of cosmos.  Insect Pollinated
- Dianthus Sow Seed n.a.
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of dianthus.  Insect Pollinated
- Hollyhock
Sow Seed
LIKES:  Roses  
- Sunflower Sow Seed LIKESSquash, Cucumber, Zucchini, Pumpkin    DISLIKES:  Potato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other sunflower varieties.  Insect Pollinated
- Viola Sow Seed n.a.
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated.
Eggplant Sow Seed LIKES: Pea, Tarragon, Thyme
Self / Cross-Pollinating; mainly self-pollinating but will occasionally cross with other eggplant varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 10m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Egyptian Walking Onion Plant Bulb
LIKESCabbage, Chamomile, Beetroot, Carrot, Tomato, Strawberry 
Endive Sow Seed LIKESRadish, Parsnip, Turnip
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties.
Fennel Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Caraway, Coriander, Dill, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other fennel varieties including wild fennel often found on roadsides; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Cape Gooseberry Sow Seed
LIKESYarrow, Pine & Oak Trees
Insect Pollinated
- Carob
Sow Seed
n.a. Insect Pollinated
- Rosella
Sow Seed
n.a. Insect Pollinated
- Strawberry Sow Seed
LIKES: Bean, Borage, Lettuce, Nectarine, Peach, Spinach    DISLIKES: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts 
- Fruit Tree Scions (for grafting) Graft
Garlic Plant Cloves
USES: Planted around all trees to repel borers.  Also repels leaf eaters & sap suckers when planted near vegetables
Ginger / Galangal Plant Root
LIKESGalangal, Turmeric, Cardamon
Gourd Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn    DISLIKES: Potato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other gourd varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Alfalfa Sow Seed
Highly beneficial when used as a green manure crop in the garden & especially for breaking up compacted soils.  The plants are very deep rooted, enabling the roots to draw up sub-surface minerals & break up compacted soils.  The plant is able to fix large quantities of nitrogen from the air in root nodules & add carbon back to the soil.   
- Amaranth Sow Seed
Used for food, fodder & as a green manure crop.  Beneficial for adding bulk organic matter to the soil.
- Ancient Grain Carbon Crop
Sow Seed
Attracts predator insects to the garden
- Barley Sow Seed
Used for food, fodder, as a green manure crop or for straw.  Beneficial for adding bulk organic matter & controlling nematodes in the soil.
- Beneficial Insect Blend Sow Seed
Extremely useful for increasing pollination in both orchards & vegetable gardens.  
- Broad Bean Sow Seed
Useful as a green manure crop adding carbon & nitrogen to the soil & improving friability.  
- Buckwheat Sow Seed
Useful for adding both nutrients & carbon to the soil.  Also useful for attracting beneficial insects, including bees to aid in pollination.  
- Butterfly Pea Sow Seed
An attractive way to encourage butterflies into the garden
- Chicken Grazing Mix Sow Seed
A beneficial mix of hardy greens to give to your feathered friends. 
- Chicory Sow Seed
Mature plants great for boosting nutrient intake for grazing animals including cows, sheep, pigs, chooks & rabbits. 
- Clover Sow Seed
Deep-rooted ground cover useful for fixing nitrogen in the soil, and for attracting tachinid flies, ground beetles & parasitic wasps that prey on aphids, scales, caterpillars and whiteflies.  
- Cowpea
Sow Seed
Grown for forage & green manure.  
- Fenugreek Sow Seed
Used as green manure crop adding nitrogen, phosphorus & organic matter back into the soil.  Excellent for loosening heavy, clay soils & controlling weeds.  
- Field Pea
Sow Seed
Used as a cool season fodder or green manure crop
- Fodder Beet
Sow Seed
Traditionally widely used across Europe as cattle feed
- Green Manure (Autumn / Winter) Sow Seed
Used as a green manure crop, plants are best dug back into the soil when the leaves are still fresh & green after approx. 8 weeks after planting
- Green Manure (Spring / Summer) Sow Seed
Used as a green manure crop, plants are best dug back into the soil when the leaves are still fresh & green after approx. 8 weeks after planting
- Khorasan
Sow Seed
Beneficial for adding bulk organic matter to the soil.  
- Lab Lab Bean Sow Seed
Due to its deep root system down to 2m it is capable of extracting a wide range of nutrients & is useful for breaking up hard, compacted soils. As a green manure crop it is useful in fixing nitrogen & adding organic matter back into the soil. 
- Lupin Sow Seed
Commonly used as a green manure crop adding nitrogen, phosphorus & organic matter to the soil.  Due to its long tap root, it is capable of extracting a wide range of nutrients & is useful for breaking up hard, compacted soils.  Also useful in attracting bees, butterflies & other beneficial insects to the garden.  
- Medic Sow Seed
Commonly used as a cover crop & ideal for using as a living mulch.  Beneficial for adding nitrogen & other nutrients to the soil, suppressing weeds & preventing erosion.  
- Millet
Sow Seed
Commonly used as a soil conditioner for a wide range of soils.  
- Mustard Sow Seed
Used as green manure crop in controlling nematodes & fungal diseases such as fusarium & verticillium, as well as adding organic matter to the soil.  
- Oats Sow Seed
Beneficial for adding bulk organic matter & controlling nematodes in the soil.
- Rye
Sow Seed
Used as a cover crop to prevent soil erosion. 
- Sunflower Sow Seed
An attractive way to supplement your chooks diet. Simply select a plot, broadcast seed, allow to grow & harvest seed heads placing directly into pen or hanging indoors.  A welcome & nutritious treat!
- Turnip Sow Seed
Used in cooking with excellent flavour, as fodder crop or for green manure.  When left to mature also attracts bees, butterflies & other beneficial insects to the garden.  
- Vetch Sow Seed
Commonly used as a fodder crop or for green manure adding nitrogen & organic matter to the soil & suppressing weeds, as well as attracting beneficial insects to the garden.  
- Basil Sow Seed LIKES: Apricot, Asparagus, Cucumber, Fennel, Tomato    DISLIKES: Rue
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of basil; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 50m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Bergamot
Sow Seed
n.a. n.a.
- Black Cumin Sow Seed
Flowers attract beneficial insects esp. parasitic wasps & predatory flies, which then will hunt insect pests on nearby crops.  LIKES:  all Brassicas incl. Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Kohl Rabi, Turnip, Swede, Beetroot, Cucumber, Potato 
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
- Borage Sow Seed
LIKESTomato, Strawberry, Squash, Zucchini, Pumpkin
Insect Pollinated
- Chamomile Sow Seed
LIKES: Cucumber, Mint, Onion
- Chives Sow Seed LIKES: Carrot, Grape, Parsley, Tomato

Cross-Pollinating; will not cross with other onion varieties.  Insect Pollinated
- Coriander Sow Seed LIKES: Potatoes, Anise, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chervil, Dill, Parsnip    DISLIKES: Fennel
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of coriander; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.
Insect Pollinated

- Dill Sow Seed LIKES: Cabbage, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts - repels cabbage moth
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of dill.  Insect Pollinated
- Echinacea
Sow Seed
n.a. n.a.
- Fenugreek Sow Seed n.a.
Cross Pollinated.  Insect Pollinated.
- Hyssop
Sow Seed
LIKES:  Grape  n.a.
- Marjoram Sow Seed LIKES: All plants in general
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
- Oregano Sow Seed
LIKES: Cabbage, Cucumber, All plants in general
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
- Parsley Sow Seed LIKES: Asparagus, Carrot, Chive, Tomato, Roses    DISLIKES: Mint
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of parsley; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Red Clover Sow Seed LIKESOats
Cross Pollinated.  Insect Pollinated.  
- Sage Sow Seed
LIKES: Cabbage, Carrots, Marjoram, Strawberry, Tomato    DISLIKES: Cucumber, Rue
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of sage.  Insect Pollinated
- Tarragon
Sow Seed
n.a.  Insect Pollinated
- Thyme Sow Seed LIKESCabbage, all plants in general
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other thyme varieties.  Although actually self-pollinating, insects push their way into flowers permitting cross pollination.  Insect Pollinated
- Yarrow Sow Seed
Attracts pollinating bees and beneficial aphid-eating insects into the garden.
LIKES:  All Brassicas incl.
Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Kohl Rabi, Turnip, Swede, Tomato, Honeydew, Rockmelon, Watermelon, Eggplant, Bean, Spinach.

Insect Pollinated.
Honeydew Sow Seed LIKES: Radish, Corn, Peanut, Sunflower
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of rockmelon, honeydew, & Armenian cucumber; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Horseradish Plant Root
USES:  Plant around potatoes to help combat fungal problems.
Jerusalem Artichoke Plant Tuber
LIKESRhubarb, Chamomile, Bush Beans, Peanut, Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Honeydew, Watermelon, Rockmelon
Kale Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Hyssop, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Sage    DISLIKES: Grape, Strawberry, Tomato 
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kohl rabi; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Kohl Rabi Sow Seed LIKES: Beetroot, Onion   DISLIKESBean, CapsicumChilli, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Leek Sow Seed LIKES: Carrot, Celeriac, Celery, Onion      
DISLIKESBroad Beans, Broccoli

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other leeks, but not other Alliums. To ensure purity, separate varieties by at least 1000m. Insect pollinated.
Leek - Perennial (Live Plant) Plant LIKES: Carrot, Celeriac, Celery, Onion      
DISLIKESBroad Beans, Broccoli

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other leeks, but not other Alliums. To ensure purity, separate varieties by at least 1000m. Insect pollinated.
Lettuce Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrots, Cherry, Chervil, Cucumber, Onions, Parsnip, Pea, Radish   DISLIKESParsley
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties, however, to prevent minimal (1-6%), natural cross pollination, separate lettuce varieties by 2-3m, or with a tall 2-3m high barrier.  
Luffa Sow Seed n.a.
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
Marrow Sow Seed LIKES: Beans, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of marrow, zucchini, squash & pumpkin with the species ‘pepo‘; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated

Mustard Green Sow Seed LIKES: Fruit Trees (to assist growth)
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with Chinese Mustard & other mustards; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated

New Zealand Yam (Oca) Plant Tuber
Unattractive to most garden pests, which may tend to offer some protection to neighbouring plants.
Okra Sow Seed LIKESCucumber, Capsicum, Chilli, Eggplant, Honeydew, Rockmelon, Watermelon
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties; however may experience very minimal insect cross pollination, so to ensure absolute purity, grow varieties at least 30m apart.
Onion Sow Seed LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Strawberry, Tomato, Chamomile, Summer Savoury    DISLIKES: Bean, Pea
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other onion varieties including spring onion, potato onion & shallot (will not cross with leek); to ensure purity grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect pollinated.
Parsnip Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Leek, Onion, Pea, Radish, Rosemary, Sage, Tomato    DISLIKES: Dill
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other parsnip varieties as well as wild parsnip; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 500m apart.  Insect pollinated.
Pea Sow Seed
LIKES: Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Parsnip, Potato, Radish    DISLIKES: Garlic, Onions, Shallots, Turnip
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties.
Pumpkin Sow Seed LIKES: Bean, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn    DISLIKES: Potato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of pumpkin with the same species. eg. ‘maxima' or 'pepo'; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart or pollinate by hand.  Insect Pollinated
Radicchio Sow Seed LIKESLettuce    DISLIKESEndive
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other varieties of radicchio, chicory & endive; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Radish Sow Seed LIKES: Peas, Lettuce, Beans, Carrots, Kohl Rabi, Parsnip, Onion, Mustard, Nasturtium, Cucumber, Spinach - attracts leaf miner away from Spinach    DISLIKES: Grape, Hyssop
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of radish & wild radish; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart. Insect Pollinated
Rhubarb (crown) Plant Crown LIKESOnion, Garlic, Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli, Turnip, Cauliflower
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of rhubarb.   Insect Pollinated
Rhubarb (seed) Sow Seed LIKESOnion, Garlic, Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli, Turnip, Cauliflower
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of rhubarb.   Insect Pollinated
Rockmelon Sow Seed LIKESCorn, Peanut, Sunflower, Radish
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of rockmelon, honeydew, & Armenian cucumber; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Amaranth Sow Seed LIKESCucumber, Corn, Runner Bean, Tomato, Potato, Capsicum, Chilli, Eggplant, Pea, Marigold    DISLIKES:  Saffron
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with other amaranth; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated.
- Chicory Sow Seed LIKESCarrot, Onion, Fennel, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will easily cross with chicory & endive.; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Corn Salad Sow Seed n.a.
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of corn salad.  Insect Pollinated
- Cress Sow Seed
LIKESChives, Peppermint, Spearmint
- Dandelion
Sow Seed
n.a. n.a
- Marshmallow
Sow Seed
n.a. n.a.
- Mesclun Sow Seed
LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrots, Cherry, Chervil, Cucumber, Onions, Parsnip, Pea, Radish  
- Mibuna Sow Seed LIKESBean, Beetroot, Cabbage, Cucumber, Marjoram, Pea, Strawberry    DISLIKESParsley
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with chinese mustard & mizuna; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Minutina
Sow Seed
n.a. n.a.
- Mizuna Sow Seed

LIKES: Beans, Celery, Coriander, Cucumber, Onion, Pea, Potato, Tomato    

Cross-Pollinating; will cross with chinese mustard & mibuna; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
- Mountain Spinach (Orach) Sow Seed n.a.
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of mountain spinach.  Wind Pollinated
- Nasturtium Sow Seed
Useful as a trap crop for aphids.  LIKESBroccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Squash, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Marrow, Kale, Kohl Rabi, Radish, Tomato, Potato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other nasturtium varieties; grow only one variety at a time.  Insect Pollinated
- Perilla (Shiso)
Sow Seed
n.a. n.a.
- Rocket Sow Seed
LIKES Bush Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Cucumber, Dill, Lettuce, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Potato, Rosemary, Spinach, Thyme.    DISLIKESStrawberry
Cross-Pollinating.  Will cross with other varieties of rocket.  Insect Pollinated
- Sorrel Sow Seed LIKESStrawberry, Cabbage, Tomato
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other sorrel varieties.    Insect pollinated.
- Watercress Sow Seed n.a.
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties.  
Salsify Sow Seed
LIKESBean, Leek, Onion, Pea, Sage, Tomato, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn, Carrots - reputed to deter carrot fly.   DISLIKES:  Potato, Dill
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of salsify.  Insect Pollinated
Shallot / Potato Onion Plant Bulb
LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Strawberry, Tomato, Chamomile, Summer Savoury    DISLIKES: Bean, Pea
Silverbeet Sow Seed LIKESBeetroot, Cherry, Fruit Trees, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Mulberry, Onions
Cross-Pollinating; will cross easily with other silverbeet & beetroot.  Wind & Insect Pollinated
Spinach Sow Seed LIKESBeetroot, Cherry, Fruit Trees, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Mulberry, Onions
Cross-Pollinating; will cross easily with other spinach varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 3klm apart.  Wind Pollinated
Spring Onion Sow Seed LIKES: Beetroot, Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Potato, Tomato, Strawberry  DISLIKESBean, Pea        
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other spring onion varieties & onion; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated

Squash Sow Seed LIKESRadish, Corn, Peas, Bean, Pumpkin, Marigold, Nasturtium, Zucchini
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of squash, zucchini & pumpkin with the species ‘pepo‘; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Swede Sow Seed LIKES: Pea
Cross-Pollinating.  Insect Pollinated
Tomatillo Sow Seed
LIKES: Parsley, Asparagus, Basil, Cabbage, Carrot, Onion, Pea, Sage    DISLIKES: Fennel, Potato, Dill
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties.
Tomato Sow Seed LIKES: Parsley, Asparagus, Basil, Cabbage, Carrot, Onion, Pea, Sage, Marigold, Chive, Broccoli    DISLIKES: Kohl Rabi  
Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties; however to avoid minimal natural cross-pollination in older varieties, grow in blocks harvesting centre fruit, or with a tall growing plant between (eg. climbing bean).
Plant Root
n.a. n.a.
Turnip Sow Seed LIKES: Pea, Lettuce, Cucumber, Nasturtium
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other turnip varieties, including fodder turnip & winter rape; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 1000m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Watermelon Sow Seed LIKES: Corn, Peanut, Sunflower, Radish
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other watermelons, pie melons & citron melons; to ensure purity grow varieties at least 500m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Yacon Plant Rhizome
LIKESLeafy Greens, Radish, Turnip, Peas
Zucchini Sow Seed LIKES: Beans, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn  
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of zucchini, squash & pumpkin with the species ‘pepo‘; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.  Insect Pollinated