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Method |
Companion Planting |
Seed Saving |
Collard | Plant undercover in punnets - plant out in 4-6 weeks | LIKES: Bean, Beetroot, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mint, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato DISLIKES: Strawberry, Tomato | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of collard, as well as brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 1000m apart. Insect Pollinated. |
Corn | Sow Seed (after frost) | LIKES: Pumpkin, Squash, Zucchini, Lettuce | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other corn varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2klm apart. Insect & Wind Pollinated |
Cucumber | Plant undercover in punnets - plant out in 4-6 weeks | LIKES: Bean, Broccoli, Celery, Chinese Cabbage, Lettuce, Pea, Radish, Tomato, Corn, Sunflower DISLIKES: Rue, Sage, Potato & Aromatic Herbs | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other cucumber varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 500m apart - or hand-pollinate flowers. Insect Pollinated |
- Sunflower | Sow Seed | LIKES: Squash, Cucumber, Zucchini, Pumpkin DISLIKES: Potato | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other sunflower varieties. Insect Pollinated |
FRUIT / TREES | ||||||
- Carob | Sow Seed |
n.a. | Insect Pollinated | |||
- Rosella | Sow Seed |
n.a. | Insect Pollinated | |||
Ginger / Galangal | Plant Root | LIKES: Galangal, Turmeric, Cardamon |
n.a. | |||
- Green Manure (Spring / Summer) | Sow Seed | Used as a green manure crop, plants are best dug back into the soil when the leaves are still fresh & green after approx. 8 weeks after planting |
- Mustard | Sow Seed | Used as green manure crop in controlling nematodes & fungal diseases such as fusarium & verticillium, as well as adding organic matter to the soil. |
- Sunflower | Sow Seed | An attractive way to supplement your chooks diet. Simply select a plot, broadcast seed, allow to grow & harvest seed heads placing directly into pen or hanging indoors. A welcome & nutritious treat! |
HERB | ||||||
- Basil | Plant undercover in punnets - plant out in 4-6 weeks | LIKES: Apricot, Asparagus, Cucumber, Fennel, Tomato DISLIKES: Rue | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of basil; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 50m apart. Insect Pollinated |
Mustard Green | Sow Seed | LIKES: Fruit Trees (to assist growth) | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with Chinese Mustard & other mustards; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart. Insect Pollinated |
Okra | Plant undercover in punnets - plant out in 4-6 weeks | LIKES: Cucumber, Capsicum, Chilli, Eggplant, Honeydew, Rockmelon, Watermelon | Self-Pollinating; will not cross with other varieties; however may experience very minimal insect cross pollination, so to ensure absolute purity, grow varieties at least 30m apart. |
Sweet Potato | Sow Bulbs / Slips | LIKES: Dill, Chives Borage, Oregano, Beans, Nasturtium, Alyssum, Spinach | Grow only by bulb or root division to ensure purity |
Turmeric | Plant Root |
n.a. | n.a. | |||
Taro | Plant Bulb | LIKES: Leafy Greens, Radish, Turnip, Peas |
n.a. | |||
Zucchini | Plant undercover in punnets - plant out in 4-6 weeks | LIKES: Beans, Mint, Nasturtium, Radish, Corn | Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of zucchini, squash & pumpkin with the species ‘pepo‘; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart. Insect Pollinated |