(Lycopersicon esculentum) Heirloom from Indiana. Very large, orange, oxheart shaped fruit to 1.5kg with dense, meaty flesh & few seeds. Very sweet fl
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(Lactuca sativa) Beautiful, light green hearting lettuce with succulent flavour.
(Phaseolus acutifolius) Attractive, bushy plant to 50cm high with white flowers producing narrow pods to 5cm long. A white seeded variety with nutt
(Lycopersicon esculentum) Heirloom. Very small, red fruit produced in trusses on vigorous bush. Hardy. Exceptionally high yields. Rich tomato flavour
(Cucurbita moschata) Italian heirloom also known as 'Violina' due to its slight resemblance to a violin. Medium to large, wrinkled, tan coloured fru
(Cucurbita pepo) Bush. Round egg-shaped zucchini with grey-green patchy skin, & creamy-yellow flesh; 6cm diameter. Great for use as 'baby' zucchini