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Seed Saving

 - Basil Sow Seed LIKES: Apricot, Asparagus, Cucumber, Fennel, Tomato    DISLIKES: Rue Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other varieties of basil; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 50m apart.  Insect Pollinated
Mustard Green Sow Seed LIKES: Fruit Trees (to assist growth)
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with Chinese Mustard & other mustards; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 400m apart.
Insect Pollinated

Corn Sow Seed LIKES: Pumpkin, Squash, ZucchiniLettuce
Cross-Pollinating; will cross with other corn varieties; to ensure purity, grow varieties at least 2klm apart.  Insect & Wind Pollinated
Sweet Potato Sow Bulbs / Slips LIKES: Dill, Chives Borage, Oregano, Beans, Nasturtium, Alyssum, Spinach
Grow only by bulb or root division to ensure purity